Brand workshop & Website development

Within the framework of brand and brand proposition workshops, we have developed communication goals and strategies for Bürgerwerke. In this way, the transformation of energy systems in the hands of citizens is to be promoted even more successfully in the future.

In addition to a logo relaunch in 2016, the website was also redesigned to be more modern and targeted.

Inquiry optimized landing pages support the new online marketing strategy.

Brand workshop

We get to the bottom of the brand core and analyse important factors for successful brand communication. Together with Bürgerwerke, we work out value propositions in order to find the best possible target group approach.


The existing Bürgerwerke logo receives a design update. New icons and graphic elements are created and a new design guideline is developed. The website is modernized and made more user-friendly.


To support online marketing measures, madpat designs and develops a landing page that is optimised for enquiries. The aim is to make it easier for users to switch electricity providers and to quickly communicate the advantages of citizen energy. The tariff calculator plays a central role here.

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